Heather Snyder
Northfield, Vermont, United States
Hello! My name is Heather Snyder and I live in the beautiful state of Vermont with my husband and amazing son. I also have a furry daughter named Lucy, who is always dropping a ball in my lap for me to throw for her!
I am an artist, designer and self taught doll maker, who is passionate about fabric and making things with my hands. This is probably why I started sewing when I was seven years old and have been drawing and since I can remember. I love fabric, drawing, painting, collaging, and pretty much anything that has to do with making!
I am an artist, designer and self taught doll maker, who is passionate about fabric and making things with my hands. This is probably why I started sewing when I was seven years old and have been drawing and since I can remember. I love fabric, drawing, painting, collaging, and pretty much anything that has to do with making!
Heather's Art + Craft Interests
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Classes Heather Has Taken
Classes Completed:
Pattern Drafting: A 4-Part Series, Painted Canvas Pillows, Howard Block, February Lookbook // 2017, Cardboard Mobiles, Living a More Creative Life: 30 Ways in 30 Days, Sashiko Sewing, April Lookbook // 2018, Punch Needle Demonstration, June Lookbook Promo // 2018, Stamped and Sewn Backpack, September Lookbook Promo // 2018, Fold-and-Sew Paper Wallet...
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