tracia williams
Oviedo, Florida, Usa
Classes tracia Has Taken
Classes Completed:
How to Make a Blank Art Journal, Sketchbook Explorations: Collaged Backgrounds and Line Drawing, Sketchbook Explorations: Layered Abstract Drawing with Brush and Gel Pens, Sketchbook Explorations: Mixed Media on Paper, Intermediate Watercolor: Painting Florals, Introduction to Drawing: Learning to Make Lines, Creative Sketchbooking: Playing with Pens and Paint, Creative Sketchbooking: Painted Backgrounds and Responsive Drawing, Creative Sketchbooking: Playing with Collage, Creative Sketchbooking: Out of the Sketchbook and Onto the Canvas, More Sketchbook Explorations: Brush Marker Background and Botanical Drawings, More Sketchbook Explorations: Flora and Fauna Patterns, More Sketchbook Explorations: Color Blocking with Watercolor...