Introduction to Drawing: Learning to Make Lines

24 min 23 sec
Introduction to Drawing
Part 1:
Introduction to Drawing: Learning to Make Lines
Though it may seem deceptively simple, most artistic ventures begin with learning how to draw a humble line. Using pens, pencils and other elemental art materials, acclaimed artist and designer Molly Hatch shares the basics of line drawing. This class is chock full of tips and tricks, plus classic mark-making exercises like blind contour, implied lines, and line networks. With practice, your hand and brain will learn to work together, and your humble lines will quickly start to transform into beautiful, interesting shapes.
Part 2:
Introduction to Drawing: Learning to Define Shape
Learning how to add dimension and shape to your line drawings is the key ingredient that will bring your drawings to life. Molly shows you how to use simple lines in different combinations to make beautiful, dimensional artwork. Focusing on several different styles – abstract, geometric, representational, and organic – Molly shares tools to help you define shape, including positive and negative space exercises, and lessons on how to use shading to add definition. Whether you’re using pencils or pens, this class will take your line drawing to the next level.
Learning how to add dimension and shape to your line drawings is the key ingredient that will bring your drawings to life. Molly shows you how to use simple lines in different combinations to make beautiful, dimensional artwork. Focusing on several different styles – abstract, geometric, representational, and organic – Molly shares tools to help you define shape, including positive and negative space exercises, and lessons on how to use shading to add definition. Whether you’re using pencils or pens, this class will take your line drawing to the next level.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Mixed Media paper and Artist Tiles (Molly uses Strathmore)
- Hard and soft drawing pencils (ranging from HB to 8B)
- Micron pens (ranging from fine to thick)
- Brush pens
- Eraser
- Pencil sharpener
- Tracing paper (optional)
- Smooth multimedia paper
- Bottles in range of sizes and shapes
- Potted plants
- Any other still life forms

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Introduction to Drawing: Learning to Define Shape Reviews
2 users recommended this class to a friend
Marlon Doomen
it was to basic for me , but very easy explained for people who are just learning how to draw!
More than 3 months ago