28 min 3 sec
Brandon is frequently asked how he finds inspiration for his colorful knit designs, and in this class he shares one of his favorite methods: using a postcard to create a color palette. By choosing yarns that match the colors found in the postcard, you will learn how to restrict your palette and use tones that harmonize with one another. After selecting colors, Brandon demonstrates his innovative intarsia technique, in which he weaves in loose ends as he works—a wonderful way to keep the backside of your knitting tidy and eliminate the need to weave in loose ends later. Once you get the hang of this technique, Brandon will walk you through the steps of incorporating your colors into a Tumbling Block design. This stash-busting class results in a swatch, but you can apply this technique to any of your knitting projects.
Learn how to:
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Postcard or other colorful artwork for inspiration
- Yarn in a variety of colors
- Circular knitting needles to match the weight of your chosen yarn
- Scissors
- Tumbling Blocks knitting pattern PDF
- Use Brandon’s philosophy for choosing a palette
- Use intarsia knitting basics
- Weave in ends as you work
- Read a knitting chart
- A detailed class on Intarsia color inspiration
- 4 HD video lessons you can access online anytime, anywhere
- Supply list and step-by-step expert instruction from Brandon Mably
- The ability to leave comments, ask questions and interact with other students

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Intarsia Color Inspiration Reviews
145 users recommended this class to a friend
ShirleyA. Tomany
This fellow makes color change in intarsia seem like a breeze. With the exercise he teaches here, one cannot help but crave color and its relationship to our feeling of joy and loss of "angst", as he describes it.
More than 3 months ago
Judy Thompson
Great method of choosing colours and knitting in ends as you go. ❤️
More than 3 months ago