Page Remmers
I am a retired Founder and Executive Director of a nonprofit providing free arts and leadership after school programs for middle and high school students. I am now a practicing artist, gardener, reader, learner, mom, and grandma.
Classes Page Has Taken
Classes Completed:
DIY Stamp Pad, Color Image Transfers on Wood, Knotted Necklace, Upcycling: Turn a Muumuu Into a Cute Dress, Sketchbook Explorations: Watercolor Backgrounds and Line Drawing, Daily Painting Challenge: 30 Things to Paint with August Wren, Chatting with Lisa Congdon, A Chat with Dawn DeVries Sokol, Seed Bombs, Sweater Mending, Cardboard Mobiles, Frankenbias with Sonya, A Color Conversation with Tara Faughnan...