Kathy Archambault
I am a maker of everyday objects made out of the earth. I draw on, impress, twist and smooth porcelain to include texture and fascination into drinking cups, dinner plates and other vessels. I enjoy making the glazes from scratch and each mark by hand or a primitive tool. My greatest compliment is when you run your finger over my art and want to look closer, feel a sense of connection and enjoy the moment.
Classes Kathy Has Taken
Classes Completed:
Ceramic Spoons, Mishima, Stamped Ceramics, Found Image Painting, Design on Ceramics, Stenciled Glassware, Basic Line Drawing: Flowers, Basic Line Drawing: Geometrics, Basic Line Drawing: Hand Lettering, Sketchbook Explorations: Watercolor Backgrounds and Line Drawing, Beginning Watercolor: Supplies and Basic Techniques, Beginning Watercolor: Mark-Making and Expressive Brush Strokes, Drawing and Illustration Basics: A 3-Part Series...