41 min 17 sec
Steeking can be downright terrifying, because it requires taking a pair of scissors to your precious knitting. But once you watch this workshop with Kristin, you’ll wonder what you were scared of. Steeking makes fancy colorwork patterns much easier to knit, because you can knit in the round and then open your work up to lay flat. Kristin shows step by step how to knit in the round, reinforce your steeks, cut them and then add mitered corners to create this stunner of a pillow and shed all of your steeking fears once and for all.
Learn how to:
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Kristin uses yarn from Color by Kristin from Classic Elite Yarns (a 3-ply worsted weight blend of 50% wool, 25% mohair, 25% alpaca)
- Color A - 1 ball of 3281 Lichen (light green)
- Color B - 1 ball of 3212 Deep Forest Green (drk green)
- Color C - 1 ball of 3232 Raspberry (raspberry)
- Color D - 1 ball of 3278 October Leaves (orange)
- Color E - 1 ball of 3246 Deep Blue Sea (dark teal)
- Size U.S. 5 (4.5mm) circular 16” knitting needles
- Size U.S. (4.5mm) circular 32” knitting needles
- Stitch markers
- 16" or 18" pillow insert or polyfill for stuffing pillow
- ¾ yard of 100% cotton pillow backing fabric
- Sewing thread for attaching pillow back -color should match the border color of the pillow
- Hand sewing needle
- Sewing machine with a zigzag stitch
- Spray bottle with water and steam iron
- Steek
- Work a mitered border
- Add fabric backing to create pillow
- An easy-to-follow lesson on how to create this steeked fair isle pillow
- 7 HD video lessons you can access online anytime, anywhere
- Detailed supply list
- Step-by-step expert instruction by artist Kristin Nicholas
- The ability to leave comments, ask questions, and interact with other students

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Steeked Fair Isle Pillow Reviews
47 users recommended this class to a friend
Farhina Shaikh
The directions were very easy to follow. I love the pace of this tutorial.
More than 3 months ago
Rachel Prichard
If you need instruction on Fairisle, knitting in the round, steeking, picking up, mitred corners, attaching a backing and more, this is an excellent class.
More than 3 months ago
Lindsay Ryan
I didn't like while she was attaching the backing she stated 'this doesn't need to be neat' as it will not be noticeable. If it IS messy, it may be very visible. Also, I know that steeking can also be done with either a crochet hook or tapestry needle and yarn. I realize those were not explained as this class seems to be for beginners. It should have been stated that when carrying the floats in subsequent rounds that they should be caught as before, but NOT directly above a previous caught float or they will show on other side. Still if this is one's first fair isle, It is a nice project.
More than 3 months ago