27 min 58 sec
You brighten your day and bring a glow to your skin when you use soaps made from natural ingredients. Arina Soler of BellaCreme teaches three different processes for making soaps that cleanse and nourish skin without the drying and irritation that can occur from repeated hand-washing. You’ll use specialty ingredients like lye, glycerine, and soap molds, plus botanicals and essential oils in order to make a scent profile that’s customized for you.
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What you'll get:
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Carrier oils such as coconut oil, soybean oil, or shea butter
- Sodium hydroxide (lye)
- Distilled water
- Slow cooker
- Two silicone spatulas
- 1-2 stainless steel bowls or other non-reactive containers
- 2 measuring cups
- Immersion blender
- 2lb silicone soap mold
- Old towel to wrap loaf mold
- Soap cutter or bench knife
- Safety gear: N95 mask, gloves, goggles, white vinegar (neutralizer),
- Optional: Thermometer, pure essential oils, castor oil, natural colorants (i.e. tumeric, food coloring)
- Make soap using a cold process
- Make soap using a hot process
- Make soap using a glycerin process
- Work carefully with lye
- Cut bars of soap
What you'll get:
- Easy-to-follow video lessons on how to make soap
- Six HD video lessons you can access online anytime, anywhere
- Detailed supply list
- Step-by-step instructions by expert Arina Soler of BellaCreme
- The ability to leave comments, ask questions and interact with other students

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Make Soap Three Ways Reviews
286 users recommended this class to a friend
Nanci Olsen
I wanted a little more information. Can you use measuring cups and slow cooker for food after using them for soap? Some of that type of explanation would be nice.
November 23, 2024
Quinton TImmons
Can you put the soap bars into a dehydrator to expedite the process?
More than 3 months ago