32 min 16 sec
Stitch a memento of a place that evokes special memories, such as your childhood home or a summer cabin. Rebecca Ringquist shows you how to transfer a photocopy onto fabric and stitch its likeness with love, sentimentality, and four basic embroidery stitches. Finish with a loop of ribbon and your heirloom ornament is complete.
Learn how to:
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Cotton or linen fabric
- 3" and 5" wooden embroidery hoops
- Embroidery needle
- Embroidery floss or perle cotton
- Sulky Solvy
- Scissors and pinking shears (optional)
- PVA glue or white glue and glue brush
- Masking tape
- Decorative ribbon
- Black and white photocopy of photo
- Tracing paper
- Fine point marker
- Pencil
- Stitch a special memory onto an ornament
- Transfer a photocopy into fabric
- An easy-to-follow lesson on how to create an ornament with an embroidered image
- 7 HD video lessons you can access online anytime, anywhere
- Detailed supply list
- Step-by-step instruction by artist Rebecca Ringquist
- The ability to leave comments, ask questions and interact with other students

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Embroidered Photo Ornament Reviews
343 users recommended this class to a friend
Kristyn Moss
Great instruction. Instructor was very clear. Fun idea that has an added sentimental value.
January 26, 2025