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Canning the Best Blueberry Jam
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Suzanne Watson
I'm not ready to try.. I'm afraid I could do it wrong. This jam is dark. It may be hard to see the bubbles in it I think. Thank you though.
More than 3 months ago
lorilyn wilkes
the instructor gave many good helpful hints for a beginner. Since she made such a small batch-someone might not find it overwhelming to try for the first time. When I do all that work-i make more than four jars.
I cringed when she tilted the jar sideways to get it out. This is a good way to get jam on the unsealed rim before it seals or break the seal before it cools. Is a dangerous practice to do that; Always keep your jars vertical when canning! Let the hot liquid evaporate off the top.
Also-we have a blueberry crop. The best way to clean the little stems is not to rinse in a colander-but to float the berries in a bowl of water. Or you just might be canning twigs and things you would prefer not too. If store purchased..this is not necessary, as has been done in a factory.
I like a little salt-but a spoonful seemed a bit much for only 4 small jars. She is correct to say to add the flavorings at the end..but did not explain why. Extracts, for example, will dissipate out if left to boil with the berries. This is true of flavoring puddings and the like.
I enjoyed the subject matter and the teacher seemed to really enjoy her craft. Is nice to make jam without having to use pectin-and will give a good set. But she did not mention that by cooking out the moisture instead of using pectin, the berries will loose some of their flavor.
I too use the freezer plate and/or freezer spoon. But i run a finger through the jam on the cold plate. If the trail does not fill back in-you know it is set. or tilt a cold spoon sideways and if it stays put-it's done.
The lemon helps preserve and helps it set up. She shared to use lemon but again, did not explain why.
Also-is better to label the lid tops which are tossed-then put gummy labels on the jars-which are hard to remove for reusing in your next batch.
This class might be a good catalyst to learn making and canning jam..but is always good to check with the national food canning sites
to confirm the safe canning methods.
Such as if the jars did not seal-should be refrigerated and eaten within a week or so-as does not have preservative in it-other than some fresh lemon juice. Think of it as fresh fruit then. It will not last several months safely like the teacher suggested in this video if not sealed.
More than 3 months ago