Karen GrandPre'
., MA, US
Classes Karen Has Taken
Classes Completed:
Crochet Flower Jewelry, Gaga for Granny Squares, Eat Your Fruits & Veggies Crochet-Along, Crocheted Beanbag Frog with Lily Pads, Mitered Knitting: Make a Pillow, Crocheted Abominable Snowman, Crocheted Corn, Crocheted Broomstick Lace Bracelet, Crochet Edge Baby Blanket: 9/19/19, Eat Your Fruits & Veggies Crochet-Along: Orange and Slice, Crochet a Donut Rattle, Crochet an Amigurumi Turtle, Crochet an Amigurumi Rocketship...